Saturday, 29 October 2016

3. Mount St, Benedict "The Abbey of Our Lady of Exile"

Mount St. Benedict is situated in the Northern Range approximately six hundred and sixty feet above sea level surrounded by plush flora and fauna that creates an atmosphere of solitude and serenity.

The picturesque view from this location is nothing less than breath-taking.

 Some facts about Mount St. Benedict.

  • This is the oldest Monastery in the Caribbean region, founded 1912.
  • Suitable candidates are trained to be monks at the monastery
  • The Benedictine monks of Trinidad & Tobago reside at Mt. St. Benedict.
  • Services such as pastoral counselling, the sacrament of reconciliation; prayer requests, blessing of vehicles, blessing of the rosary, sacred images, medals etc, anointing of the sick, and other miscellaneous religious services are provided by the monks and is fondly known as "The Parlour Ministry".

  • The best tasting, most healthy yogurt in Trinidad & Tobago "Pax Yogurt" is produced at the mount. Flavours such as almond, strawberry, vanilla, soursop, vanilla and much more.
  • The Pax Abbey Shop is known for its wide array of religious items, books, beads, candles etc. There is also a cafeteria attached to the book store.
  • The monks meet five times daily to offer prayer and praise to the creator. They accept prayer requests via email or at the mount.
  • You can see as far as

Have you ever visited the mount? What was your experience? Do you know any other facts about Mount St. Benedict? Post pics and share your experiences with those who are yet to tick this off their bucket list for TT.


  1. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  2. My one and only experience with the Mount was our high school retreat before exams...Very serene the view breathtaking. Will think about revisiting sans teenage angst.
